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“质谱成像与代谢组学”国家民委重点实验室自2020年12月正式批准建设以来,围绕质谱成像技术和代谢组学的关键科学问题和前沿技术难题,聚焦分析新技术、新方法的研究,并推进相关技术与方法的应用研究,取得了良好的研究进展和一些创新成果。2021年以来实验室成员以第一作者或通讯作者,发表署名“质谱成像与代谢组学”国家民委重点实验室研究论文52篇,其中在Analytical ChemistryActa Pharmaceutica Sinica BIndustrial Crops & Products等SCI一区国际知名期刊发表19篇。基于研究成果在此期间实验室成员作为发明人,中央民族大学为第一发明单位授权申请发明专利12项。


1、Zhonghua Wang1, Wenqing Fu1, Meiling Huo, Bingshu He, Yaqi Liu, Lu Tian, Wanfang Li, Zhi Zhou, Baili Wang, Jianzhen Xia, Yanhua Chen, Jinfeng Wei, Zeper Abliz*. Spatial-resolved metabolomics reveals tissue-specific metabolic reprogramming in diabetic nephropathy by using mass spectrometry imaging. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B.2021, 11(11): 3665-3677. 封面文章, SCI一区(A+类)医学Top类,入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊。(实验室第一单位)

2、Zhi Zhou, Bing Xie, Bingshu He, Chen Zhang, Lulu Chen, Zhonghua Wang, Yanhua Chen, Zeper Abliz*. Multidimensional molecular differences between artificial cultivated and wild Artemisia rupestris L. based on metabolomics–transcriptomics integration strategy. Industrial Crops & Products.2021, 170: 113732. SCI一区(A+类)农林科学Top类.(生物成像与系统生物学研究中心第一单位,实验室第二单位)

3、Lamei Zheng, Wuyun Wu, Qingyu Chen, Genfa Zhang, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Integrated transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics identified biological processes and metabolic pathways involved in heat stress response in jojoba. Industrial Crops & Products. 2022, 183:114946.SCI一区(A+类)农林科学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

4、Yanhua Chen, Qianlun Pu, Fengting Yu, Xian Ding, Yu Sun, Qinglan Guo, Jiangong Shi, Jianjun Zhang*, Zeper Abliz*. Comprehensive quantitative method for neurotransmitters to study the activity of a sedative-hypnotic candidate using microdialysis and LC×LC-MS/MS. Talanta. 2022, 245: 123418. SCI 一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

5、Yue Sun, Zhi Zhou*, Bing Xie, Zhonghua Wang, and Zeper Abliz*. Spatially Resolved Metabolomics Method for Mapping the Global Molecular Landscape of Whole-Body Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Using Ambient Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Analytical Chemistry.2023, 95, 9164-9172. SCI 一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

6、Lamei Zheng, Qi Liu, Rongqi Wu, Songbuerbatu, Ming Zhu, Tashi Dorjee, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. The alteration of proteins and metabolites in leaf apoplast and the related gene expression associated with the adaptation of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus to winter freezing stress. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023, 240:124479. SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

7、Hangjun Huang†, Haiqiang Liu†, Weiwei Ma†, Liang Qin, Lulu Chen, Hua Guo, Hualei Xu, Jinrong Li, Chenyu Yang, Hao Hu, Ran Wu, Difan Chen, Jinchao Feng, Yijun Zhou, Junli Wang*, Xiaodong Wang*. High-throughput MALDI-MSI metabolite analysis of plant tissue microarrays. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023, 1-11. SCI一区(A+类)工程技术Top类。(生环学院第一单位,实验室第二单位)

8、Zhentao Ren†, Liang Qin†, Lulu Chen†, Hualei Xu, Haiqiang Liu, Hua Guo, Jinrong Li, Chenyu Yang, Hao Hu, Ran Wu, Yijun Zhou, Kun Xue*, Biao Liu*, Xiaodong Wang*. Spatial lipidomics of EPSPS and PAT transgenic and non-transgenic soybean seeds using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71, 26, 10190-10202. SCI一区(A+类)农林科学Top类。.(生物成像与系统生物学研究中心第一单位,实验室第二单位)

9、Hualei Xu†, Manman Han†, Haiqiang Liu†, Liang Qin, Lulu Chen, Hao Hu, Ran Wu, Chenyu Yang, Hua Guo, Jinrong Li, Jinxiang Fu, Qichen Hao, Yijun Zhou, Jinchao Feng, Xiaodong Wang*. 4-Nitrocatechol as a novel matrix for low-molecular-weight compounds in situ detection and imaging in biological tissues by MALDI-MSI. Chinese Chemical Letters. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2023.109095. SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

10、Yanhua Liu, Xin Zhang, Shu Yang, Zhi Zhou, Lu Tian, Wanfang Li, Jinfeng Wei, Zeper Abliz, Zhonghua Wang*. Integrated mass spectrometry imaging reveals spatial-metabolic alteration in diabetic cardiomyopathy and the intervention effects of ferulic acid. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpha.2023.08.011. SCI 一区(A+类)医学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

11、Qingce Zang1, Manjiangcuo Wang1, Ying Zhu, Lingzhi Wang, Zhigang Luo, Xin Li, Jiuming He, Ruiping Zhang*, Zeper Abliz*. Enhanced on-tissue chemical derivatization with hydrogel assistance for mass spectrometry imaging. Analytical Chemistry. 2021, 93(46): 15373-15380. SCI一区(A+类)化学TOP类。(实验室第二单位)

12、Ying Zhu, Qingce Zang, Zhigang Luo, Jiuming He, Ruiping Zhang*, Zeper Abliz*. An Organ-Specific Metabolite Annotation Approach for Ambient Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals Spatial Metabolic Alterations of a Whole Mouse Body. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(20): 7286-7294. SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第二单位)

13、Xian Ding, Fen Yang, Yanhua Chen*, Jing Xu, Jiuming He, Ruiping Zhang, Zeper Abliz*. Norm ISWSVR: A Data Integration and Normalization Approach for Large-Scale Metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry, 2022,94(21): 7500-7509. SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第三单位)

14、Zixuan Wang, Yaxin Zhang, Runtao Tian, Zhigang Luo, Ruiping Zhang, Xin Li*, Zeper Abliz*. Data-Driven Deciphering of Latent Lesions in Heterogeneous Tissue Using Function-Directed t-SNE of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(40):13927-13935. SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类。(实验室第三单位)

15、Yinzhu Hou, Tieliang Gan, Tiantian Fang, Yao Zhao*, Qun Luo, Xingkai Liu, Luyu Qi, Yanyan Zhang, Feifei Jia, Juanjuan Han, Shumu Li, Shijun Wang*, Fuyi Wang*. G-quadruplex inducer/stabilizer pyridostatin targets SUB1 to promote cytotoxicity of a transplatinum complex. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50(6): 3070–3082. SCI一区(A+类)生物TOP类。(实验室第四单位)

16、Bo Jin#, Xuechao Pang#, Qingce Zang, Man Ga, Jing Xu, Zhigang Luo, Ruiping Zhang, Jiangong Shi, Jiuming He*, Zeper Abliz*. Spatiotemporally resolved metabolomics and isotope tracing reveal CNS drug targets. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2023, 13(4): 1699-1710.SCI一区(A+类)化学Top类,入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊。(实验室第三单位)

17、Yue Yin†, Zhentao Ren†, Li Zhang, Liang Qin, Lulu Chen, Laipan Liu, Ruizong Jia, Kun Xue, Biao Liu*, Xiaodong Wang*. In situ proteomic analysis of herbicide-resistant soybean and hybrid seeds via matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry imaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71(18): 7140–7151. SCI一区(A+类)。(实验室第四单位)

18、Lin Fengke, Long Chunlin*. GC-TOF-MS-based metabolomics correlated with bioactivity assays unveiled seasonal variations in leaf essential oils of two species in Garcinia L.. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 194: 116356. SCI一区(A+类)农林科学Top类。(实验室第四单位)

19、Lin Fengke, Edward J. Kennelly, Roger G. Linington*, Long Chunlin*. Comprehensive metabolite profiling of two edible Garcinia species based on UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MSE coupled with bioactivity assays. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(19): 8372. SCI一区(A+类)。(实验室第四单位)

20、Meiling Huo, Zhonghua Wang*, Wenqing Fu, Lu Tian, Wanfang Li, ZhiZhou, Yanhua Chen, Jinfeng Wei, Zeper Abliz*. Spatially resolved metabolomics based on air-flowassisted desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry imaging reveals region specific metabolic alterations in diabetic encephalopathy. Journal of Proteome Research. 2021, 20: 3567-3579. 封面文章,SCI 二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

21、Ran Wu1, Liang Qin1, Lulu Chen1, Rui Ma, Difan Chen, Haiqiang Liu, Hualei Xu, Hua Guo, Yijun Zhou, Xiaodong Wang*. Copper adhesive tape attached to the reverse side of a non-conductive glass slide to achieve protein MALDI-imaging in FFPE-tissue sections. Chemical Communications 2021, 57: 10707-10710. 封面文章,SCI二区(A类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

22、Yiyang Shi1, Hao Hu1, Qichen Hao1, Ran Wu, Lei Wang, Liang Qin, Wei Gu, Haiqiang Liu, Dongxu Jiang, Liya Hong, Yijun Zhou, Xiangyi Liu, Jinchao Feng, Kun Xue*, Xiaodong Wang*. Michler's ethylketone as a novel negative-ion matrix for the enhancement of lipid MALDI tissue imaging. Chemical Communications. 2022, 58(5), 633-636. 封面文章,SCI二区(A类)化学Top类。(实验室第一单位)

23、Junyao Zhou, Mingmin Qian, Chenxi Li, Wenbin Zhou, Lan Yao, Yanhua Chen,*Zeper Abliz*. Metabolomics and integrated network pharmacology analysis reveal that ginkgolides act as potential active anticancer components by regulating one-carbon metabolism. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2022, 298: 115609. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

24、Lan Yao, Shuohan Cheng, Jing Yang, Fangfang Xiang, Zhi Zhou, Qinghuai Zhang, Yuzhou Pang, Wenbin Zhou*, Zeper Abliz*. Metabolomics reveals the intervention effect of Zhuang medicine Longzuantongbi granules on a collagen-induced arthritis rat model by using UPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2022, 294: 115325. SCI 二区(A类)医学Top类。(药学院第一单位,实验室第三单位)

25、Lamei Zheng, Wuyun Wu, Yunfei Gao, Yingxin Wu, Yixiao Xu, Genfa Zhang, Fei Gao*, Yijun Zhou*. Integrated transcriptome, small RNA and degradome analysis provide insights into the transcriptional regulatory networks underlying cold acclimation in jojoba. Scientia Horticulturae. 2022, 299: 111050. SCI 二区(A类)农林科学Top类。(实验室第二单位)

26、Xianyue Meng1, Yanhua Liu1, Meiling Huo, Shu Yang, Xin Zhang, Lu Tian, Wanfang Li, Jinfeng Wei, Zhaoying Wang, Zhi Zhou, Yanhua Chen, Zhonghua Wang,* Zeper Abliz. Mapping of Fatty Aldehydes in the Diabetic Rat Brain Using On-Tissue Chemical Derivatization and Air-Flow-Assisted Desorption Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Journal of Proteome Research. 2023, 22: 36-46. SCI 二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

27、Xiaoying Lei1, Chen Zhang1, Suqing Zhao, Shuohan Cheng, Wenbin Zhou, Jiapeng Xu, Ping Zhan, Abliz Zeper*. Comprehensive chemical profiling and quantitative analysis of ethnic Yi medicine Miao-Fu-Zhi-Tong granules using UHPLC-MS/MS. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2023, 21(3): 214-225. SCI 二区(A类)。(药学院第一单位,实验室第二单位)

28、Qi Liu, Yifang Zhang, Xue Dong, Lamei Zheng, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis reveals that the change of apoplast metabolites contributes to adaptation to winter freezing stress in Euonymus japonicus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2023, 202, 107924. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

29、Ming Zhu, Songbuerbatu, Qianshi Dong, Jie Bing, Lamei Zheng, Tashi Dorjee, Qi Liu, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Combined lncRNA and mRNA expression profiles identified the lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA modules regulating the cold stress response of Ammopiptanthus nanus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023, 24(7), 6502. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

30、Qi Liu, Xiangyu Sui, Ying Wang, Ming Zhu, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Genome-wide analyses of thaumatin-like protein family genes reveal the involvement in the response to low temperature stress in Ammopiptanthus nanus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023, 24(3), 2209. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

31、Ming Zhu, Qi Liu, Fuyu Liu, Jie Bing, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Gene profiling of the ascorbate oxidase family genes under osmotic and cold stress reveals the role of AnAO5 in cold adaptation in Ammopiptanthus nanus. Plants. 2023, 12, 12(3): 677. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

32、Xiaodong Wang†, Jun Han, Zhili Li, Bin Li, Yinglang Wan, Liangyu Liu. Editorial: Insight into plant spatial omics: mass spectrometry imaging. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 14:1273010. SCI二区(A类)。(生环学院第一,实验室第二单位)

33、33、Lulu Chen†, Liang Qin†, Yawen Zhang†, Hualei Xu, Yufen Bu, Ran Wu, Haiqiang Liu, Qichen Hao, Hao Hu, Yijun Zhou, Jinchao Feng, Yanping Jing*, Jun Han*, Xiaodong Wang*. Insights from multi-omics integration into seed germination of Taxus chinensis var mairei.      Communications Biology. 2023, 6: 931. SCI二区(A类)。(生物成像与系统生物学研究中心第一,实验室第三单位)

34、Chenyu Yang†, Ran Wu†, Haiqiang Liu†, Liang Qin, Lulu Chen, Hualei Xu, Hao Hu, Jinrong Li, Hua Guo, Yiyang Shi, Dongxu Jiang, Qichen Hao, Jinchao Feng, Yijun Zhou, Xiangyi Liu*, Gaopeng Li*, Xiaodong Wang*. Polyacrylamide gel as a new embedding medium for the enhancement of metabolite MALDI imaging. Chemical Communications. 2023, 59(26):3842-3845. 封面文章,SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

35、Hualei Xu†, Qichen Hao†, Haiqiang Liu†, Lulu Chen, Ran Wu, Liang Qin, Hua Guo, Jinrong Li, Chenyu Yang, Hao Hu, Kun Xue, Jinchao Feng, Yijun Zhou, Biao Liu*, Gaopeng Li*, Xiaodong Wang*.A concentration-descending washing strategy with methanol for the enhancement of protein imaging in biological tissues by MALDI-MS. Analyst. 2023, 148(4): 823-831. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

36、Junlan Zhou, Jing Zhang, Lijiao Cao, Yuying Liu, Luyao Liu, Chunlan Liu*, Xianchan Li*. Ginsenoside Rg1 modulates vesicular dopamine storage and release during exocytosis revealed with single-vesicle electrochemistry. Chemical Communications. 2023, 59, 3087-3090. SCI二区(A类)。(实验室第一单位)

37、Fangfang Xiang, Hongjuan Niu, Lan Yao, Jing Yang, Shuohan Cheng, Zhi Zhou, Refuhati Saimaiti, Yusup Matnur, Ainiwaer Talifu, Wenbin Zhou*, Abliz Zeper*. Exploring the effect of the Uyghur medicine Munziq Balgam on a collagen-induced arthritis rat model by UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics approach. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2023, 310:116437. SCI 二区(A类)医学Top类。(药学院第一单位,实验室第三单位)

38、Di Gao, Dan Zhu, Xue Zhou, Shuai Dong, Yuejie Chen*. Inhomogeneous phase significantly reduces oral bioavailability of felodipine/PVPVA amorphous solid dispersion. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2023, 20(1): 409-418. SCI 二区(A类)。(药学院第一单位,实验室第三单位)

39、Hu Xian†, Wang Miaomiao†, Cai Fei, Liu Liya, Cheng Zhuo, Zhao Jiaqi, Zhang Qing, Long Chunlin*. A comprehensive review of medicinal Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae): Botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2023, 318: 116829. SCI二区(A类)。(生态实验室第一单位,质谱成像实验室第五单位)

40、Zhang Ruifei, Cheng Zhuo, Fang Qiong, Edward J. Kennelly*, Long Chunlin*. Monoterpenoid acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum hengshanense W. T. Wang with antiproliferative activities. Phytochemistry. 2023, 205: 113500. SCI 二区(A类)。(实验室第六单位)

41、Mengying Wang, Yuying Liu, Jinchang Du, Junlan Zhou, Lijiao Cao, Xianchan Li*. Cisplatin Inhibits Neurotransmitter Release during Exocytosis from Single Chromaffin Cells Monitored with Single Cell Amperometry. Electroanalysis. 2021. 33: 1-7. SCI 三区(B类)。(实验室第一单位)

42、Chen Zhang*, Wenbin Zhou, Xiaoying Lei, Suqing Zhao. Nitric oxide inhibitory terpenes and its glycosides from Ainsliaea bonatii. Fitoterapia. 2022, 156, 105028. SCI 三区(B类)。(生物成像与系统生物学研究中心第一单位,实验室第二单位)

43、Ming Zhu, Xue Wang, Yanqiu Zhou, Jinhua Tan, Yijun Zhou*, Fei Gao*. Small RNA sequencing revealed that miR4415, a legume-specific miRNA, was involved in the cold acclimation of Ammopiptanthus nanus by targeting an L-ascorbate oxidase gene and regulating the redox state of apoplast. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, 13:870446. SCI 三区(B类)。(实验室第二单位)

44、Xin Zhang, Yanhua Liu, Shu Yang, Xin Gao, Shuo Wang, Zhaoying Wang, Chen Zhang, Zhi Zhou, Yanhua Chen, Zhonghua Wang*, Zeper Abliz. Comparison of Local Metabolic Changes in Diabetic Rodent Kidneys Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Metabolites. 2023, 13, 324. SCI 三区(B类)。(实验室第一单位)

45、Yanhua Liu, Yuxin Cai, Xueying Bai, Xinyu Zhao, Xianyue Meng, Xin Zhang, Zhaoying Wang, Zhi Zhou, Yanhua Chen, Zhonghua Wang*, Zeper Abliz. A sensitive on-tissue chemical derivatization-mass spectrometry imaging method for the quantitative visualization of helicid in mice. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2023, 488, 117038. SCI 四区(C类)。(实验室第一单位)

46、王纪阳(本科生), 周帜*, 谢冰, 崔星云, 拉毛卓玛, 王中华, 再帕尔•阿不力孜. 基于代谢组学的新疆一枝蒿生长关键成分研究. 分析化学, 2023, 51(3): 390–396. SCI 四区(C类)。(实验室第一单位)

47、张瑞飞,范彦晓,纪圆圆,龙春林*.遍地金Hypericum wightianum中2对间苯三酚类对映异构体及其绝对构型. 中国中药杂志. 2023, 48(2): 421-429. 卓越计划梯队期刊(C类)。(实验室第四单位)

48、再帕尔·阿不力孜. 质谱分子成像技术与应用进展. 分析测试学报. 2022, 41(9): 1335-1344. 中文核心期刊。(实验室第一单位)

49、李金融1, 秦亮1, 蒋东旭1, 刘海强, 许华磊, 杨晨钰, 陈涤凡, 吴冉, 胡浩, 李艳艳,周宜君, 冯金朝, 王晓东*. 化学衍生化技术及其在质谱成像中的应用进展. 中国科学●化学. 2022, 52(7): 1041-1073. 中文核心期刊。(实验室第一单位)

50、孟 媛, 程 卓, 林锋科, 张瑞飞, 刘悦, 龙春林*. 民族药用植物代谢组学研究进展. 植物资源与环境学报. 2022, 31(2): 73-81. 中文核心期刊。(实验室第一单位)

51、么亚妹, 景继月, 凌佳成, 王文蜀*. 省沽油主要成分、生物活性及开发应用. 食品与机械. 2022, 38(06): 213-218. 中文核心期刊。(实验室第一单位)

52、52、袁峥, 刘琦, 刘芙瑜, 董雪, 周宜君, 高飞*. 冬青卫矛叶片质外体适应冬季胁迫的蛋白质组学分析. 西北植物学报, 2023, 43(5): 721-731.      中文核心期刊。(实验室第一单位)


1、一种同时定量检测小鼠血浆中黄芪甲苷-IV、环黄芪醇的方法. 王中华, 何秉淑, 陈路路, 再帕尔·阿不力孜. 授权时间: 2021.04. 专利号: ZL201810730008.1

2、基于代谢组学的维药昆仑雪菊质量评价方法. 再帕尔·阿不力孜, 乃比阿不来提, 王中华, 何秉淑, 谢冰. 授权时间: 2021.12. 专利号: ZL201910639076.1

3、一种具有抗肿瘤活性的大叶藤黄种子提取物及其制备方法. 龙春林, 林锋科.授权时间: 2022.03. 专利号: ZL202111584212.5

4、基于植物代谢组学的新疆一枝蒿植物产地/品种标志物及判别方法. 周帜, 再帕尔·阿不力孜, 谢冰, 王中华, 陈路路. 授权时间: 2022.06. 专利号: ZL201911405769.0

5、洛罗兰糖苷在制备防治糖尿病的药物中的应用以及一种防治糖尿病的药物.庞宗然, 鲁碧楠, 周文斌, 石东旭, 阿如娜, 吕若雪. 授权时间: 2022.07. 专利号: ZL201911280077.8

6、一种具有抗炎活性的元宝枫叶提取物及其制备方法. 龙春林, 范彦晓. 授权时间: 2023.05. 专利号: ZL202310010585.4

7、一种脑组织中内源性代谢物的原位分析方法. 王中华, 霍美玲, 傅文清, 再帕尔·阿不力孜. 申请时间: 2021.07. 专利申请号: CN202110313782.4

8、基于IS联合SVR的大规模多组分定量数据校正方法及系统. 陈艳华, 丁贤, 余文梦, 再帕尔·阿不力孜, 张瑞萍. 申请时间: 2022.01. 专利申请号: CN202210110125.4

9、基于IS联合SVR的大规模组学数据校正方法及系统. 陈艳华, 丁贤, 余文梦, 再帕尔·阿不力孜, 张瑞萍. 申请时间: 2022.02. 专利申请号: CN202210120022.6

10、基于植物代谢组学的新疆一枝蒿植物品种标志物及判别方法. 周帜, 再帕尔▪阿不力孜, 谢冰等. 申请时间: 2022.06. 专利申请号: CN202210628950.3

11、新疆一枝蒿中生长关键成分及生长期判别方法. 周帜, 再帕尔▪阿不力孜, 王纪阳等. 申请时间: 2022.08. 专利申请号:CN202210985598.9

12、一种斑马鱼成鱼质谱成像分析方法. 周帜, 孙悦, 再帕尔▪阿不力孜等. 申请时间: 2022.11. 专利申请号: CN202211463814.X
